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 ROSS Ϟ But take the spade from my hands and fill in the holes, you've made.

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MessageSujet: Re: ROSS Ϟ But take the spade from my hands and fill in the holes, you've made.   ROSS Ϟ But take the spade from my hands and fill in the holes, you've made. - Page 2 EmptyJeu 17 Mar - 17:50

Non je n'ai pas besoin d'aide. C'est mon mien d'abord. 26 30
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MessageSujet: Re: ROSS Ϟ But take the spade from my hands and fill in the holes, you've made.   ROSS Ϟ But take the spade from my hands and fill in the holes, you've made. - Page 2 EmptyDim 20 Mar - 7:20


Avec un petit peu de retard, j'ai maintenant terminé 26 (je me suis permise de faire de Ross le gérant du Dirty Shake mais si ça dérange je changerais ce détail sans problème ROSS Ϟ But take the spade from my hands and fill in the holes, you've made. - Page 2 211604 )
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Robyn Shea Baker
Robyn Shea Baker
Que Sera Sera • Whatever will be will be, the future's not ours to see
VOTRE AVATAR : Dianna Agron
CRÉDITS ( C ) : SinnerWhisper & Tumblr
VOTRE PSEUDO : Princess'

→ ENVIE DU MOMENT: blablabla
→ VOTRE DEVISE: Que sera sera

MessageSujet: Re: ROSS Ϟ But take the spade from my hands and fill in the holes, you've made.   ROSS Ϟ But take the spade from my hands and fill in the holes, you've made. - Page 2 EmptyDim 20 Mar - 10:53

Il n'y a pas de problème pour le Dirty Shake 29

Je te valide donc mister ! Amuses-toi bien ! 26
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MessageSujet: Re: ROSS Ϟ But take the spade from my hands and fill in the holes, you've made.   ROSS Ϟ But take the spade from my hands and fill in the holes, you've made. - Page 2 Empty

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ROSS Ϟ But take the spade from my hands and fill in the holes, you've made.

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